Why, “Why on Earth?”

“Why on Earth?” was conceived to assist its readers and viewers in searching for understanding, meaning and purpose in news events and trends that affect our lives. In this age of “24/7” broadcasting of information about what is happening around the globe, it is not only hard to keep track of pertinent news of the world, but increasingly difficult to get to the truth of what we see and hear.

There are many extensions to the question, “Why on Earth?” that are critical to understanding the current situation on the planet that eight billion human beings currently call home:

  • Why on Earth are we here?
  • Why on Earth are humans so different from all other living creatures?
  • Why on Earth does good and evil exist?
  • Why on Earth cannot all human beings live together in harmony?
  • Why on Earth is there so much misery and suffering?
  • Why on Earth are there so many threats to our existence in this time?
  • Why on Earth do each of us have to die?

No doubt there are other extensions to the basic question of “Why on Earth?” that you can probably share, but allow me to start with those just listed?

Religions of the world have formulated and disseminated numerous ideas about what man is, when humanity began and why humans exist on earth; Science has created intricate theories that attribute the origin of man to evolving from primordial ooze to successive life forms to our state today. What is the most plausible explanation for why we are here?

Human beings have built great civilizations through sophisticated organizational concepts, designed and engineered impressive structures and transportation devices, created languages and communication media, crafted beautiful music and art and so much more that is not possible within the animal kingdom. Why is that so?

We have the capacity to choose to act in constructive and destructive ways, to be “good” or to be “evil” – did those two concepts develop naturally, or are there other forces at work to influence human behaviour throughout life?

How we have behaved can give us insight into why life on our planet is less than ideal for humanity and its nations, states, communities, families and persons. Why can’t individuals and groupings of people within the finite living space on earth and its limited resources be agreeable and cooperative for the benefit of all?

There is so much suffering on earth today: war, crime, hunger, squalor, disease, destruction and death are extant. This is no different from past millennia of human experience. Why haven’t we learned to overcome these terrible conditions of existence yet?

We are told that the end of all life on earth could be through a nuclear war, an extra-planetary source, a super-virus, A.I., climate change or some other disaster. We are exposed almost daily to stories of these and other existential threats. Will one of these or a combination destroy us all?

It is obvious that none of us live infinitely in mortal form, so is there something more after the inevitability of death?

We could focus solely on, “Why on Earth?” is there so much conflict with our existence and how dire the immediate future looks for us, but I don’t want to leave you without hope in the final outcome for you and me and humanity in general.

Instead, we will try to bring understanding and meaning to Why on Earth things are the way they are, and the only hope we have that change for the better will occur: the God of the Bible, who created us in His image and after His likeness, placed us on Earth for a purpose and will see it through beyond this life.

We began Why on Earth? on Substack on February 1st of this year and have worked very hard to create articles and videos to introduce our website by May 1, 2024. Prior to now we have not actively pursued subscriptions so that we might direct you to this website as the source of our information.

Subscription to “Why on Earth?” is free of charge: we only want to present you with what is helpful for your life’s journey in this fast-changing and increasingly confusing time in the world, particularly in our Western cultures. 

Because we understand that this is a time of great stress for most, we have also made “Why on Earth?” a vehicle for public service. We are offering information about organizations that offer assistance and services to those having difficulty functioning and coping within the ever-changing living environments in various jurisdictions.

Of course, since we are only starting this project, the information available on the “Emergency Help Lines” page of this Site focus mainly on the Greater Toronto Area and extend to the Province of Ontario and even all of Canada. We will add more information to cover a more diverse range of human issues and a wider area to assist more persons that may need assistance with their life challenges.

With respect to the “Resources” page of this Site, we have provide contact information for a wide variety of national and local organizations with resources and activities that feed, clothe and house those needing material assistance in our troubled times. Again, please understand that we just began this project and we are actively working to expand this section of the Site.

For those who care to avail themselves of the spiritual resources we offer, there will be regular biblical and encourgement features to access at “Why on Earth?” As well, we are planning to provide contact information for those who can provide materials and other help for further assistance in your spiritual journey.

My name is Ronald Charles Desgrosseilliers, a Christian businessman and entrepreneur, and I am the Director of “Why on Earth?” I write and podcast under the penname of “Ronald Charles,” the name that was given to me when I wrote articles, reports and letters for the American university and international foundation I was part of more than half a lifetime ago.

On behalf of “Why on Earth?” we are so pleased that you have visited us online and hope that you will return to us again to access our updated articles, podcasts, public service information and spiritual/inspirational features.

If you have questions or comments, please use the “Contact” button at the bottom of each page to communicate with us. As well, you can directly e-mail us at the following address: [email protected].

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