The Loss of Trust On An International Scale

These days, Switzerland is hardly the place of neutrality and trust it once had a reputation for. Still, when the influential and powerful of Western nations want to convene to make policy for the citizenry in their countries, Switzerland is where they meet.

During the first six months of 2024 three significant international gatherings have occurred in Switzerland: the annual conference for the World Economic Forum, the annual meeting of delegates from the World Health Organization and a post G-7 meeting to discuss how to coerce Russia to stop military action in Ukraine.

The elite delegates that attended these three meetings believe they can resolve world issues of today and delusionally think they will have international trust that allows them to impose their solutions upon the world.

The WEF Wants to “Rebuild” Trust

From January 15th to 19th this year, the annual gathering of the World Economic Forum (WEF) occurred in Davos, Switzerland with the theme, Rebuilding Trust.

This, of course, presumes that trust in the WEF and its sizable and influential membership ever existed.

Before Davos 2024, Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the WEF stated this: “People are revolting against the economic ‘elites’ they believe have betrayed them.”

It’s like this “revolt” had nothing to do with the elites that were invited to Davos 2024 – it was those dastardly [uninvited] “economic elites” that control huge corporations and institutions that don’t seem to get what the WEF is all about.

It couldn’t be the elites that were there representing [as they themselves advertise], “…over 100 governments, all major international organizations and the Forum’s 1,000 partner companies as well as civil society leaders, the foremost experts, young changemakers, social entrepreneurs and the media.

Because of past national, corporate and institutional failures of Environmental/Social Justice/Governance (ESG) policies, the WEF has reframed its agenda time and again with such phrases as fossil fuel reduction/elimination, human/social equality and stakeholder capitalism.  

A few of the failures of ESG include ill-conceived methods of prematurely eliminating traditional energy sources and fertilizer for crops and food protein without sustainable alternatives, continued incitement of racial, cultural and ideological strife and active corporate destruction founded on ideas other than profitability.

Trust in the WEF has taken a hit in the West, so at Davos 2024 there was a lot to talk about within the four main areas dealing with the theme of “Rebuilding Trust.” They were:

  • Achieving Security and Cooperation in a fractured world
  • Creating Growth and Jobs for a new era (the 4th Industrial Revolution)
  • Artificial Intelligence as a driving force for the Economy and Society
  • A long-term strategy for Climate, Nature and Energy.

Though the WEF’s reputation has taken huge blows in the past few years, a compliant international community and cooperative media label those in opposition to their policies as “conspiracy theorists.” It is these that are to blame for the loss of trust in their programs and the motives behind them.   

With or without the trust of citizens of participating nations in the WEF, they have continued to push their agenda through elected and unelected elitist leaders with influence and wealth.   

Who Can Trust the WHO?

From May 27th to June 1st the World Health Organization (WHO) met in Geneva for its 77th World Health Assembly. The purpose was to gain support for giving the WHO the ability to implement “International Health Regulations” (IHR) that would guide national pandemic responses around the world.

Some news outlets have reported that the WHO has by-passed recognized protocols to secretly pass a resolution that would strengthen their authority to demand standards of how nations report, manage and cooperate in future pandemics.

The WHO represented their resolution as having a “consensus,” but there were in fact only 37 of 194 member nations present for final approval. Of those, six nations opposed the resolution, all of whom were not aligned with the West (the West, including the U.S., seems to be in favour of these new measures).

Beyond that, 234 elected officials from 35 countries expressed “profound concern” and advised WHO Director Tedros that any on-site revisions ratified before the end of the assembly would be “null and void.”

The main worry is that any “pandemic agreement” might mean countries would be forced to yield their sovereignty during what the WHO considers a “public health emergency.”

The full outcome of what was decided at the Assembly is not clear, but it seems that member states within the WHO are now to follow such policies as “routine immunization” and “social measures” (including lockdowns of institutions, such as schools, churches and other public places).   

After the weak and unscientific response during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, nothing has changed at the WHO, and for the world to trust such a body would require new leadership instead of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Tedros is given a forum on the world stage to spout his sanctimonious platitudes about international health issues when his background is well-known:

Elected Director of the WHO on May 23, 2017, “Dr. Tedros,” as he prefers to be addressed (Ph.D. in “community health”), was a leader within Ethiopia’s brutal minority party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a wing of the ruling Marxist-rooted Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front. He served the violently repressive regime as minister of foreign affairs from 2012 to 2016, after a stint as health minister.

During the unfortunate series of events that have led to the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza recently, the WHO has been reporting to the international media what Hamas and Al Jazeera have been feeding them:  

  • unconfirmed estimates of tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths (more reputable sources are reporting half the stated number and there is no tally of Hamas losses in the calculation).
  • predictions of mass deaths from famine and disease every few days (which haven’t materialized).
  • deterioration of health care to critical levels due to lack of hospital facilities (proven to be Hamas’ operational bases) and doctors.

An organization that only reacts to “reports” from a terrorist organization like Hamas (which operates as Gaza’s Health Ministry) and a news outlet like Al Jazeera, obviously lacks credibility – hence the lack of trust in the World Health Organization and their need to secretly enact illegal rules and regulations for the nations of the world. 

An “Echo-Chamber” of Distrust

On June 15th and 16th representatives from over 90 countries met in Burgenstock, Switzerland to discuss bringing peace to Ukraine. These were not truly “peace talks,” because the key antagonist of the conflict, Russia, was not invited and had no interest in attending.

There was some “spin” put on the goal of these meetings: they were laying some groundwork for future negotiations, slowly moving ahead on a long path to peace. But the two-day talks seemed to be just another incidence of “echo-chamber” politics which Western leaders often engage in. 

In the end, a communique was issued that read: 

“The ongoing war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues to cause large-scale human suffering and destruction, and to create risks and crises with global repercussions for the world.

“We reaffirm our commitment to refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine.”

Apparently, there was also agreement among themselves on condemnation of nuclear threats, warnings against weaponization of food security, and call for a “complete prisoner exchange” and the return of “all deported and unlawfully displaced Ukrainian children.”

Claude Rakisits, an analyst with the Brussels-based Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, summarized the purpose of the meetings in Burgenstock:

“This conference is about much more than Ukraine. It’s about maintaining the international order.”

The Russian position on peace and these meetings was stated on the evening prior when they outlined their own plan for resolution of the conflict: it was demanded that Ukraine cede large swathes of its territory and abandon its ambitions of joining the Western military alliance NATO.

The Russians were also smarting from a declaration from G7 nations who met days earlier in Bari, Italy: almost $300 billion in Russian assets in the West, frozen after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, would be commandeered by Western nations, $50 billion of which would be a “loan” to begin helping Ukraine buy weapons and begin to rebuild damaged infrastructure.

The move comes at a crucial moment in the war, when Russia has the momentum on the battlefield. Vladimir Putin calls it “theft,” and has threatened retribution for those involved in stealing Russian assets.

There was some trust built after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s: there was to be a “Commonwealth of States” that included Russia and Ukraine; the removal of nuclear weapons from Ukraine; assurances that Ukraine would not become part of NATO.

That trust was completely shattered in 2014 when Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych was forced by Moscow to renege on a signed agreement of association with the European Union. Russian forces occupied Crimea and the Donbas – launching points for its invasion further into Ukraine in February, 2022.

None of what happened in Burgenstock, Switzerland and prior was conducive to restoring trust between Russia and Ukraine, but only served to rachet-up tensions in Eastern Europe.

These three conferences held in Switzerland over the past six months have dealt with issues that have plagued man for millennia. Apparently, these same matters will remain unresolved to the end of his age.

How Can Trust Ever Be Restored?

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus’ original disciples asked Him when the end of this age would come and what would be the evidence of His coming. His answer is found in Matthew 24:4-8:

“And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

“For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows…”

Despite the policies, strategies and declarations of the WEF, the WHO and a Western “Peace Alliance”, there will still be famines even as focus is fixed on the environment, pestilences no matter what medical or scientific methods are followed, and wars that escalate out of control even with repeated gatherings to plan for peace.

Famine, disease and war (among other distressing conditions) will be exactly the situation that Jesus Christ will encounter at the end of the age when He returns to Earth.

Only with the establishment of the Kingdom of God, that overwhelms and supersedes all untrustworthy human governments and organizations at His coming, will trust ever be restored.

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