There have always been powerful forces at work that threaten to overpower or conquer men and women just like us. Here are some examples of evil that can come upon and overcome any of us:
- Other people who may violate us in some way or take what we have.
- Ideas that cause strife or division and have terrible outcomes.
- Situations that force us make choices not popular in our society.
- Natural disasters that can take life, property, and possessions.
- Disease and accidents that dramatically change your life and mine.
- Persecution from government or institutions for non-conformance.
- Poverty and deprivation from circumstances outside of your control.
- A host of addictions and obsessions we resort to in order to cope.
- Fears and phobias that steal our peace of mind.
- Actual physical or psychological harm from others.
When such havoc is wreaked upon us through any or a combination of these, we may feel victimized. Depending on your personality or mine, we may want to take vengeance, or just be tempted to give up.
If, either I seek retribution or lay down to the evil coming my way, I have simply been overcome and conquered.
Romans 12:14-21 shows what a godly response to violations, strife, persecution, poverty, and harm looks like:
“And for those who try to make your life a misery, bless them. Don’t curse, bless. Share the happiness of those who are happy, and the sorrow of those who are sad.
“Live in harmony with each other. Don’t become snobbish but take a real interest in ordinary people. Don’t become set in your own opinions. Don’ pay back a bad turn by a bad turn to anyone.
“See that your public behaviour is above criticism. As far as your responsibility goes, live at peace with everyone. Never take vengeance into your own hands, my dear friends: stand back and let God punish if He will. For it is written:‘Vengeance belongs to me: I will recompense, says the Lord.’
“And it is also written:‘If your enemy hungers, feed him; If he thirsts, give him to drink: For in so doing you shall heap coals of fire upon his head [inference is not to burn him, but to keep him warm].’
“Don’t allow yourself to be overpowered by evil. Take the offensive – overpower evil with good!”