Our Whole Duty in Living: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: ‘Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every good work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil.’”

Commentary from: The Soncino Books of the Bible (Volume 12)

“This is the final summing up of the whole argument [of the Book of Ecclesiastes], after taking all matters into consideration…nothing is hidden from Him. Therefore, I admonish you to fear God and to keep His commandments.

“The final goal of the matter, from which all man’s duties can be understood is fear God and keep His commandments in your heart…”

[Exodus 19:2-17 lists these commandments as they were first given.

  1. Have no other gods before the one true God.
  2. Make no images with the intent of worshipping them.
  3. Don’t use God’s name disparagingly or in a way that misrepresents Him.
  4. Remember the 7th day sabbath – take the day off from work to worship God.
  5. Honor your father and mother both in word and in behavior.
  6. Do not kill another human being.
  7. Do not commit adultery – generally, sex outside of a marriage between a man and woman.
  8. Do not steal – any act of thievery where one would take what belongs to another.
  9. Do not bear false witness – tell lies, half truths or vary or misrepresent the truth.
  10. Do not covet – crave or desire what another has (i.e.: wife, wealth, possessions, etc.).

Fearing and reverencing God to the extent that one would not think of violating these ten commandments is the entirety of how we should live our lives].

“Man has to give a reckoning to God for all his deeds, even those which are known only to himself and hidden from his fellows. The true philosophy of life must consequently have relationship to conduct, and so direct it that it can bear the Divine scrutiny.”

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