The times we live in are changing faster than you and I can track. Leaders and governments and organizations are implementing big ideas of how the world should be structured or restructured, and we seem to be mere spectators as they swiftly move forward with their plans.

Everyone can see that the world is descending into chaos, endangering the existence of our planet and all life on it. The solutions they propose to rectify this degenerating situation are called “great” and billed as “new.”

What the powerful, influential and wealthy seem to be thinking about these days is a reordering of the world to their vision of saving the planet, creating social justice and exerting more governing control.

Whether we recognize it or not, these visions of a great new order are affecting your life and mine and those of all earth’s inhabitants quite profoundly. For us:

  • everything costs more and our incomes have not risen to match price increases; life’s necessities and niceties seem harder to get and supplies are tentative; inflation has been rampant; interest rates have risen dramatically; taxation is excessive.
  • energy – the lifeblood of any society, is becoming unaffordable to many and unavailable to some; “green” initiatives and supply issues have increased gas and diesel prices causing economic hardship nearly everywhere.
  • travel is more restricted and rapidly has become unfeasible for most; it isn’t a pandemic or other crisis that is responsible now, but the cost of fuel and the availability of transportation.
  • our workplaces and institutions are not operating very well, and values everywhere have changed to the point where we have three choices of how to deal with post-modern attitudes: comply, leave or stay and face persecution.

And these effects that are touching each of us are just the beginning of the pain and sacrifice we are expected to endure to participate in the quest to save ourselves from imminent destruction.

Still, we aren’t affected as deeply as people in less prosperous areas of the world, where nations have been bankrupted, populations are on the verge of starvation, old and new diseases are rampant and endless wars are fought with the prospect of new conflicts emerging in various regions.

These life-altering (and too often, life-destroying) effects that have come upon us in the past few years are a result of leaders, governments and organizations actively carrying out a plan for their version of reordering the current world order.  

What you and I can know through the upheavals we are experiencing and yet will experience is this:

i.                their visions may be fully or partially accomplished;

ii.               they may or may not be successful in the short term;

iii.             they are all doomed to fail in the end.

In the Western World there is a movement afoot that you may have noticed: its apostles and disciples include some of the most influential and wealthy persons on earth who have aligned to further their vision of a “new world order.”

An organization known as the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by Founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, has the stated intention to restructure the current world order by 2030 with their vision of a Great Reset.

The WEF describes itself as “the international organization of public-private cooperation.” This movement has made its way into our Western governments at all levels: banking systems, big business, big tech, higher education, science and medicine, sports and entertainment. It dramatically affects just about every aspect of our societies.

A main driver in the implementation of their vision of a new world order, is what they call “ESG” – Environmental, Social Justice and Governance:

·       Environmental: with our governments and banks and investment firms embracing the “E” or Environmental component of ESG, companies investing in fossil fuels are finding it difficult and near impossible to fund exploration, drilling sites, refineries and pipelines.

So-called clean energy from solar, wind, hydrogen, lithium, etc. which has no chance of replacing what is needed to fuel the highly industrialized West – is affecting everything from food production and distribution to transportation and travel to lighting and heating availability to employment and living expenses.

·       Social justice: the “S” in ESG has shared characteristics with the “woke” movement in Western societies – large corporations are now telling us how to think about race and lifestyle, and politicize everything from education to science, religion to economics, right to life to where and when and how we die.

You might have a look at your Bank’s web-site – my bank issues an annual 100-page report on ESG with a focus on fair hiring practices; the companies they will show preference to in doing business must be on board with social justice: eliminating meritocracy and filling hiring quotas for persons of color, various genders, LGBTQ2S, etc.

·       Governance: the “G” in ESG is about how the top-level management of an organization behaves toward all of its “stakeholders”: employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers and the wider community. These all get a say in how a corporation is run and the corporation is rewarded on how happy it keeps everyone.  

It is why Big Government, Big Business and Big Tech all embrace causes outside of their raison d’être and engage in environmental activism, multi-genderism, racialization (while turning a blind eye to how their product might be polluting the 3rd World, or is made in “sweat-shops” in Asia filled with exploited women and children or in places in Africa where minorities and classes of people are abused and killed regularly).

Books and articles and the WEF’s own web-site describe the ways and means they are using to bring about The Great Reset, but consider three statements they have made that give clues as to their motives:

1.    “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

2.    “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

3.    “Humans are now hackable animals that no longer possess free will.”

That last statement is particularly worrying: let me give you the full quote from Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, who has advised Klaus Schwab and the W.E.F.

“Humans are now ‘hackable animals’ that no longer possess ‘free will’ and are set to be reengineered…cloud technology, such as IBM or Microsoft platforms will be one of the driving forces of this evolution…

“The whole idea that humans have a soul or spirit, and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside of me, so that whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will – THAT’S OVER…”

If you want to know the full context of where Dr. Harari is coming from and how influential his ideas on merging man and technology to become “man-god” are, you can read his book titled, Homo Deus.

Of course, this vision of resetting the world terrifies international leaders and their peoples that are outside the WEF sphere of influence. So, we see an alternative vision of how to reorder a sick, unjust and chaotic world – The Great Awakening. By default, Vladimir Putin is its leader and Professor Alexander Dugin is its prophet.

There is more support than we might expect for The Great Awakening: with Russia are India, Syria, Iran, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, and many other nations that are seriously considering the foundational principles of The Great Awakening. This situation is primarily due to the perception that the West, and particularly the U.S., has betrayed or abandoned them in the last couple of decades with insensible and incoherent foreign policy.

The Great Awakening is a slight expansion of Professor Dugin’s work, entitled, The Fourth Political Theory, in which he proposes the replacement of the three failed ideologies of the 20th century: liberalism, communism and fascism.

Dugin, has been called, the Kremlin’s philosopher, Putin’s brain, and is considered an intellectual force behind 21st century post-Soviet, Russian ideology. He thought Russia showed weakness in 2014 in only annexing Crimea instead of taking all of Eastern Ukraine to reunite the old Russian Empire and restore it to a time when Kiev was its first capital.

On February 5, 2022 (19 days before the invasion of Ukraine) in an article entitled, Why a War Will Be Good for Russia, he wrote:

“Liberalism and Westernism will disappear…This is where the task is to unite them [Russia, Belarus and Eastern Ukraine] in the name of the great goal. And so it will be…The sanctions the West is threatening will finish the rest – you can’t think of a better tool to purge traitors and foreign agents. Only the patriots who have nowhere to go and nowhere to run will survive. And it will be their hour – our hour – delayed for seven sluggish years.”

The three main features of this new international order proposed in his book, The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset are: social justice, national sovereignty and traditional values.

·       Social justice – represents the brotherly “one world” qualities that were native to the ideology of socialism; an invitation to fight the decay in the West. He writes, “The universality of Western Liberalism with the free market, liberal democracy, parliamentarianism, individualism, technology, icon culture, LGBT and ethics…is ending.”

However, later in his 21-point manifesto at the end of his book, Dugin lays out a societal structure resembling the Indian Caste System:

i.                Brahman level of philosophers, priests, intellectuals with preferred status;

ii.               Kshatriya level of warriors and activists who would educate and enforce social justice;

iii.             Vaishya level of agriculture and farming for the majority of the population – “Peasantry is the answer,” he writes.

·       National Sovereignty: all nations should achieve independence to be on an equal basis with each other to remove the current model of a unipolar world dominated by Western liberalism. Dugin divides the world into five “equal” poles: Conservative America, Populist Europe, a Chinese Collective, Islamic Culture, and Imperial Russia. In this multi-polar world, these “poles” will be equal, but of course, Russia is destined to be “more equal.”

Carrying on with Russia’s role, he writes: “But on the whole, Russia is the most important – if not the main – pole of the Great Awakening…This is exactly what all of Russian history has led up to, expressing an inner conviction that Russians are facing something great and decisive in the dramatic situation of the End Times, the end of history.”  

·       Traditional Values: The Great Awakening is, “to not only fight against gender politics or dehumanization, posthumanism or postmodernism – [we must facilitate] the return of Plato; the return to antiquity; the return to the Middle Ages; the return to Aristotle; the return to Christianity; the return to traditional religion…”

Dugin asserts that these figures and things of the past must be embraced and not cancelled as seen recently in the West.

He concludes that “modernity in our world is not neutral,” but forces conversion to the real “black magic of modern science and modern culture.” Moving away from tradition will destroy the human subject, but we have to rediscover what is “inmost” – homo intimus – our active intellect to survive (vs. becoming post-human “homo deus” described earlier).

He further adds something interesting, “Modern civilization is a kind of preparation for the advent of the Antichrist.”

And with that, let’s get to another vision for reordering the world. Professor Dugin with his many self-contradictory and inconsistent ideas, may have hit on something when he wrote that last statement with respect to a restoration of world traditions: it may well be that civilization, modern and historical, have been in preparation for the advent of the Antichrist.

“Antichrist” merely means “Christ-opposing,” and there have been many iterations of antichrist governmental structure from at least Christ’s time till now, including the so-called Great Reset and Great Awakening concepts that are being foisted upon the world in our time.  

The advent of this Antichrist brings into focus a third vision of a “new world order” on earth, but it’s elements are not new and have been seen historically: emperor worship, enforced culture and economic control.

The last book of the Holy Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ: in the 13th chapter of that book, it is revealed that two powerful personalities called “beasts” rise to power over much of the earth. The first “beast” is the ultimate warlord that brings most of the world into subjection through force so impressive that he inspires worship from masses of humanity.

The second “beast” implements an “antichrist” culture by means of signs and lying wonders and enforces markings upon people to show their devotion and loyalty to the regime. Further, those who resist these identifying markings are not allowed to “buy or sell,” essentially taking away their means of making and providing a living.

Perhaps you and I would not be forced to make uncomfortable decisions about accepting or not accepting what is offered with the Great Reset or the Great Awakening. However, the vision of a new world order under “antichrist” will demand that we make choices to comply or face dire penalties that are truly a matter of life and death.

This third world order will not last very long, because it will be superseded by a fourth that is divine in origin and vastly more powerful. This vision offers much more than any of the previous three that were described earlier and has been foretold from the time human beings were put on earth – it is found in Acts 3:18-21 of the Bible:

“’But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began…”

This fourth vision will succeed where all others have failed. It is a time of refreshing and restoration of the earth for all its inhabitants. It is biblically known as the “Kingdom of God.” 

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