Don’t Quit!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will;

            When the road you’re travelling seems all uphill;

            When funds are low and the debts are high;

            And you want to smile, but you have to sigh

            When care is pressing you down a bit;

            Rest if you must, but do not quit.

            Life’s race is full of twists and turns

            As every one of us finally learns.

            And many a failure turns about

            When he might have won, had he stuck it out.

            Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow

            You may succeed, if you give it a go.

            Success is failure, turned inside out

            The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.

            You can never tell how the race will end

            A victory may lie just around the next bend.

            So stay the course when you’re hardest hit

            It’s when things seem worst, that you must not quit.

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