Coming to Terms with Babylon

Perhaps you are as tired as I am of the controlled messaging on issues of our day through legacy and on-line media influenced by powerful personalities in government, industry, technology, science, education and entertainment.

Maybe, like me, you don’t appreciate being pressured to involuntarily agree and conform with positions we know are contrived or false: sometimes we acquiesce because we don’t want to bring negative attention to ourselves with open resistance.

Or you would just like to know that you are not “crazy” if you disagree with ideas that are wrong and harmful; that you are not alone in seeing through the fog and smoke shrouding the insane ideas and actions of our time.

Personally, I am coming to terms with a modern version of an ancient concept: “Babylon,” which in antiquity was the location named and known for being a source of great confusion. In the past 15 years or so, there have been introduced to our Western societies so many new life concepts that seem to defy all reason and have produced confusion of Babylonish proportions.

“Babylon” may also be from the Akkadian word bab-ilani, or “gate of the gods,” named such because it was where the gods of antiquity met with humans to direct their lives on earth. It seems to me that we have among us modern day “gods” who are similarly summoning us to their “gate” to dictate their direction on how we are to live.

My purpose in contributing to this platform is to wade through the increasing levels of confusion on just about every important issue of our time. In doing so, I will unfailingly outline the only hope we have of restoring sanity and safety on earth: God’s direct intervention and control of humanity’s affairs.

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