“Why on Earth?” was conceived to assist its readers and viewers in searching for understanding, meaning and purpose in news events and trends that affect our lives. In this age of “24/7” broadcasting of information about what is happening around the globe, it is not only hard to keep track of pertinent news of the world, but increasingly difficult to get to the truth of what we see and hear. We strive to bring you the answer to “why” events occur and unfold the way they do and their immediate and ultimate outcomes.

Because we understand that this is a time of great stress for most, we have also made “Why on Earth?” a vehicle for public service. We are offering information about organizations that provide the necessities of life (ies: food, clothing, shelter), help lines and emergency contact information for those having difficulty functioning and coping within the ever-changing living environments in various jurisdictions in Western societies.

Finally, for those who care to avail themselves of the spiritual resources we offer, there will be regular biblical and inspirational features to access at “Why on Earth?” As well, we are planning to provide contact information for those who can provide materials and other help for further assistance in your spiritual journey.

My name is R. Charles Desgrosseilliers, a Christian businessman and entrepreneur, and I am the Director of “Why on Earth?” I write and podcast under the penname of “Ronald Charles,” the name that was given to me when I wrote articles, reports and letters for the American university and international foundation I was part of more than half a lifetime ago. 

On behalf of “Why on Earth?” we are so pleased that you have visited us online and hope that you will return to us again to access our updated articles, podcasts, public service information and spiritual/inspirational features. 

If you have questions or comments, we have included an interactive response section below for your convenience.

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